
what's jeydon wale's cell number

by Guest1669  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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what's jeydon wale's cell number

 Tags: Cell, jeydon, wales, Whats



  1. Guest5763
    how about you stop creepin, thanks.

  2. Guest7614
    789 655 3231
  3. Guest9786
    there is passed other number everywhere.
    which in the end is real?
  4. Guest9475
  5. Guest5090
    Jeydon doesn't give out his number... so unless you know him personally, you wont know it. so i wouldn't tust any of the numbers you get, unless you get it from sir Jeydon Wale himself.
  6. Guest6166
    he dont give out his number.. sorry.
  7. Guest3648
    789-655-3231 and 738-865-0835
  8. Guest307
  9. Guest7148
  10. Guest4305
    thats not anyones bizzness besides he only gives his number to his friends aka da people he noes so just leave the kid alone HE DOES HAVE A LIFE YOU KNOE! he doesnt have time for creeps to be calling him or pranking him leave him alone!!!!!
  11. Guest1386
    his fan cell phone number is 1-800-894-54448
  12. Guest1513
    Jeyy won't give his number to people he don't know. Shouldn't everybody know that fans and celebrities don't give out numbers. Well the J-Bear alone he don't need no sicotic people calling and texting him.


    My kaila haha! mykaila
  13. Guest3675
    ok all u ppl who is saying "jeydon dosn't giv out his number" or "he has a life ya kno he has better stuff to do than ppl calling and txting him all the time"
  14. Guest5589
    ok all u ppl who is saying "jeydon dosn't giv out his number" or "he has a life ya kno he has better stuff to do than ppl calling and txting him all the time" yall need to STOP! cuz u can still get it ya kno!ideots!
  15. Guest4339
    231 955 1574,
    this is realy his number i've talked to him!
  16. Guest337

    u all need to leave him alone cause hes a nice boy and cute sooo leave him the h**l alone u a******s.......

  17. Guest2402

    omg i just called him awwwwwww i hanged up and screamed lol his phone number is 231-955-1574

  18. Guest3188

    yall are g*y,, get real.... There is no way in h**l theses numbers are his!!! mkay thanks!!

  19. Guest9772

    Dear People,

    Yall are g*y, these numbers are so FAKE!! There is NO WAY IN h**l theses are his #s

    So stop posting s**t thats fake Mkay thanx (;


                                                                             Love... Another person!!

  20. Guest2839

     His real # was 905-723-4150 but he disconnected it because too many people found out it was his #, he gave it out on some blog thingy when he only had like 200 fans..sorry guys!(: keep trying though im sure you'll find it!

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