
whats the best way to see the creator?

by Guest5027  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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i know god created everything on earth and in the universe. whats a good way to try and see the creator ? because i have no idea of what god looks like in appearance.

 Tags: creator?, Whats



  1. Guest9703
    really the best way to picture god is to just use your imagination and whatever image you percieve him to be is usually what you will be given to go on. but if you want to see the beauty of god, then try and pay attention to the beauty in the world. try to see the creator in his creation.

  2. Guest926
    God is a beautifull light. calle Noor. as it is said then after the day of judgement some will get to see him. so if you want to see your creator. then follow the rules he has given you. and you will be amongst the ones who get to see him.
  3. Guest7717
    you die
  4. Guest472
    the best way to see your creator is by living a healthy life filled with all the good traits God wants you to have, those who abide by God's laws.  also, you have to recognize his existence by praising him in prayer
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