
where can I buy a replacement remote control for the Emerson ES3?

by Guest5531  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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where can I buy a replacement remote control for the Emerson ES3?

 Tags: buy, control, emerson, ES3, remote, replacement



  1. Guest2286
    I would suggest a basic universal remote control from Wal Mart, but if none of them work, or you want this specific one, then i would check here

    You should find your model there, I believe I seen it there. I checked ebay for you too, but nothing there. Good luck! Please recommend me and help me build my answer score rating!

  2. Guest1654
    I would suggest a basic universal remote control from Wal Mart, but if none of them work, or you want this specific one, then i would check here

    You should find your model there, I believe I seen it there. I checked ebay for you too, but nothing there. Good luck! Please recommend me and help me build my answer score rating!

    *Sorry, hadnt signed in the first time I asnwered your question, im a dummy.
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