
where can i get sponsors for my NGO?

by Guest7104  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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We are looking for sponsors for a home based care project in port elizabeth in south africa. the project is working with the community and has goals of changing the many lives of people as we are dealing with vulnerables and people living with HIV and AIDS.

 Tags: NGO, sponsors



  1. Guest3853
    You should visit people who sponsor various NGOs. Give them the view that what your NGO will do and how it will serve the people.

  2. Guest8492
    The AFRICAN PEOPLE’S LIBERATION FOUNDATION as abbreviated (APLF) is a Non Governmental Organization, Non profit Organization and Non Partisan has been created in Tanzania by focusing on youth development, disadvantaged children, and widows. The main aim is to empower technically all disadvantage groups so that they may be active participant in production.

    Our Organization was registered on 5th July 2007 under Non- Governmental Organizations Act, 2002 with Registration No. 00NGO/1009.


    Each person has a sense of worth, accepts responsibility for self, family, community, and societal well being, and has the capacity to be productive, and to help create nurturing families, responsive institutions and health communities.


    To help people help themselves through the practical application of knowledge and resources to improve their quality of life and that of future generation.


    (a) To assist the marginalized sectors of the community by proving them with relevant education and information in order to assert their rights and seek improvement of their living conditions with particular emphasis on women, street children, orphans, disabled and HIV/ AIDS victims.
    (b) Carrying out research into injustices, and underlying causes of these and then finding ways of remedying these through documentation and recommendations based on established facts of rights prison and exprisoners and aged people falls in this category.
    (c) Encouraging the government to commit itself to good governance through ratifying important international human right instruments and to rededicate it self to its commitment to observe, protect and respect human rights and dignity to individuals.
    (d) To promote immediate relief measures to people suffering from disasters such as epidemics, food, droughts, hunger etc.
    (e) To bring together CBO’S, NGO’S, researchers, foresters, policy makes and all stake holders to enable them to participate in decision-making on natural resource management, including  the formulation of policy and legislation to create an enabling environment for collaborative natural resource management and to combat desertification.
    (f) To improve access clean and adequate quantity of water with increased access to sanitary facilities and hygiene education by building the capacities of communities and local groups.
    (g) To promote health and nutrition in rural areas and to improve the standard of living to rural women by training them into economic and social life.
    (h) Proving health services to the community like drilling the boreholes
    (i) Of water
    (j) Education to the community on issue related to environmental conservation.
    (k) Providing health education geared to the world’s goal of health for all by the year 2010.
    (l) Conducting seminars and symposium on socio-economic life of the community for youth economic groups, women economic groups, technical groups, and individual.

    Now we are extending Vocational Training Centers for Carpentry, electrical, plumbing, sewing and knitting in rural areas so as to enable young people who missed to get secondary education and for  special groups of Orphans, people with disabilities, Street children, grouping together widows of 24 -40 age giving them skills of Knitting, Sewing, Secretarial etc.

    AFRICAN PEOPLE’S LIBERATION FOUNDATION helps 20 orphans who in Primary Schools and 15 Secondary Schools giving them School equipments (Books, Exercise books Note books pens, hand bags) and School Fees.

    We have started establishing Nursery School at Lukata village in Rungwe District -Mbeya Region which will provide Standard education over all surrounding areas. These will be Nursery –Primary-Secondary- High School. APLF has decided to do so because most of the Schools are very far from the area mention above, promoting most of the girls to be pregnancy because of the lift they are given by some drivers or any boy/man once she/they found alone along the road.

    For the time being we don't have any sponsor/Donor so we are in the process to find any from any where so that can help us in our progressing and future projects.

    I'm very happy to have this chance to find you our sponsor/Donor. Thank you very much.

      Managing Director
                      Francis Mwakitaja
                      Box 3574 Mbeya Tanzania
                      East Africa
  3. Guest3288

    I am Harrison Ako from Cameroon and wish to establish an NGO in cameroon.The NGO is to take care of underpriveledged youths and Widows here in Cameroon.The rate of unemployment in Cameroon is at its alarming rate.The most affected group is the youths.So we wish to be organising seminars for the youths and training them in to become sefl employed.My funds are very limited,that is why i am seeking for external funding.I look forward to meet any philantropist who can assist us to meet this our goal.

  4. Guest8426

    GOD'S LOVE TRUST HOME (GLTH) is a registared NGO with the Coperate Affair Commission of Nigeria, (CAC). It is committed to re-orientating and rehabitating s*x-workers, School drop outs, Widows and Orphan Vulnurable children (OVC). It is establised by groups of individuals from the effected population working together within a humanitarian and developmental framework to restore the dignity of womanhood and empower the girls child and Orphan Vulnurable children (OVC) to arise and occupy their rightful position in the society.

    (GLTH),  serious concern is about the perennial wastage of the under - privilaged and pervasive suffering and deprivation occassioned by family crises and other less visible and invisible tradition and culture that push people to loose their dignity, and how to integrate Millenium Developmental Goals Projects scheduled for such areas to alleviate their sufferings.

    (GLTH) Aims is to transform the lives of the under-privilaged without discrimination of greed or religion, and build properous individuals who will positively transform the Nation, their friends. (GLTH) Skill Training/Health awareness campaign is pioneering style of literacy learning being promoted across to equip the retrogressive woman plucked from the finance of prostitution,

    The youth training/acquisition programme configuration is a work plan strategies of empowerment of the Orphan Vulnerable Children (OVC) in the grassroot level.

    (GLTH) Trains and empowers the Widows in the society with its acquisition programme empowering them from the tragedy of becoming a widow and other family crisis that push them to loose their dignity, (GLTH) has put some widows together by teaching them how to make some local fabrics, soaps and beeds. These productions has gone a long way in the sustainance of the lives of some of the widows, But we face challenges, we need sponsos/donors, which is acquiring some machines that will make a lot of these production easier for these widows. like the soap mixing machine, instead of them using their hands in turning or mixing the chemicals, the mixing machine will go a long way in helping,bcos most of these widows are over 40years old,

    These laudable humanitarian projects cannot be accomplised without crying for help of a sponsos/donors, we are offering several opportunities to individuals and organizations to add value to the lives of the less- privilage. Now is an opportunity to translate your good intention into action and sow a seed into people's lives and become more involved in humanitarian aid.

    contact: email-

    phone: +2347034976333, +2348036425293, +2348164769851.

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