
where did the trumpet come from?

by Guest6332  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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where did the trumpet come from?

 Tags: Trumpet



  1. jane
    The earliest trumpets date back to 1500 BC and earlier. The bronze and silver trumpets from Tutankhamun's grave in Egypt, bronze lurs from Scandinavia, and metal trumpets from China date back to this period. Trumpets from the Oxus civilization (3rd millennium BC) of Central Asia have decorated swellings in the middle, yet are made out of one sheet of metal, which is considered a technical wonder. The Moche people of ancient Peru depicted trumpets in their art going back to 300 AD  The earliest trumpets were signaling instruments used for military or religious purposes, rather than music in the modern sense; and the modern bugle continues this signaling tradition    

    Records of a type of simple valveless trumpet are found in China from as early as 2000 BC.


  2. Guest8035
    i don't now
  3. Guest7606
    china and Scandinavia and Egypt!
  4. Guest864
    In Hungary the trumpet oringinated in 1500 Bc and earlier!! =] Have a good day folks!!
  5. Guest6430

    i think it comes from a country somewhere in the world or something i know it is defenatley not from space or by a alien. this is the real answer

  6. Guest3994

    i don't care


  7. Guest3452

    does it really matter??

  8. Guest9698

    Records of a type of simple valveless trumpet are found in China from as early as 2000 BC.


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