
where do desert nomads live?

by Guest6640  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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where do desert nomads live?

 Tags: desert, Live, Nomads



  1. paafamily
    The Desert Nomads are an ad hoc group of nomadic people who have made an art form of raiding the richly laden caravans that traverse through the Plains of Mists. Most of the Desert Nomads are people who live a nomadic lifestyle following the caravan routes, much like scavengers and predatory animals follow the migration routes of their prey. Many of the Desert Nomads are people who have accidentally found themselves in the Plains of Mists. This is because the Plain of Mists straddles many dimensions at once, & its dimensional barriers are extremely thin or don’t exist at all. Many people may not even be aware that they have stepped into the Plans of Mists.  Other Desert Nomads are escaped slaves from the caravans themselves or from the fortress cities. Many are outcasts from the Fortress Cities, having been banished from them to the harshness & certain death in the Plains of Mists, but these individuals either by luck or sheer determination survived. This survival usually depended on some caravan taking them on, either as an employee, or due to kindness of the caravan master but most likely just captured by the merchants as another slave. Some may have been lucky and come across some helpful Desert Nomads, who taught them how to survive in the Plains of Mists.

    Desert Nomads are some of the best and most feared fighters in the Megaverse and are highly sought after.

    The warlock marines have Desert Nomads in their ranks.  The Warlock Marines is one of the few military forces that comes close to the martial skills of the Desert Nomads, and as such is admired and respected by the Desert Nomads.

    Desert Nomads are a few who raid Centre and succeed, their usual targets are the Manors or the various markets, but sometimes it is Phaseworld itself. Many Desert Nomads have been caught, their fate determined by who caught them, many other times they have escaped with many riches from Phaseworld. Splynn and other dimensional cities across the Megaverse are also some of their favourite targets. The Desert Nomads don’t always attack caravans just because they feel like it, they are usually hired by rival merchants to hurt their rivals. Some merchants pay them off. NE’s may hire them to hit a splugorth lords caravan and another splugorth lord may hire them to hit NE’s. Rival fortress cities who are at war with each other, will hire Desert Nomads to harass and sack each other’s cities.

    Even though the Desert Nomads are made up of many races & hues, they see themselves as one. They will aid others of their kind if they are able to against an outsider if the outside is a threat to them all. Usually Desert Nomads are rivals of each other, feuds are common place and some have been running for generation after generation. Many a caravan has escaped unharmed, when feuding Desert Nomads have converged upon it and rather than hit the caravan, the Desert Nomads fought themselves, settling old scores.

    The Desert Nomads usually wear a veil and are of a desert originalyl. There are many other raiders, bandits and highwayman, call them what you may on the Plains of Mists, but the ones who are called Desert Nomads see the Plains of Mist as their homeland. Some of them may well be from the Old Arab Nations of Earth, in fact the Plain of Mists & another few dimensions have been moved onto the Arabian peninsulas when this Age of Magic erupted a few centuries ago. This also happened in the past two ages of magic of Earth. The Arabian Peninsula may well be larger than the whole of Eurasia put together or even bigger, no one has come close to fully traversing the great deserts or the different dimensions that now make up the Middle East. The landscape of the Plains of Mist, endless desert, desert nomads and Raiders, large caravans, punctuated by the rival fortress cities, is how the Arabian peninsular of the Middle East is on Rifts Earth now. It is hard to differentiate the two as the Plains of Mists caravans leave the Plains of Mist to  out to go to Palestine, Empty Quarter, and Red Sea Port, and the New Oasis on the Gulf Coast or other cities on the Caravan route. New Oasis is rumoured to be a venture by the Pleasure Empire from Phaseworld. The Desert Nomads also hit the fortress cities of Rifts Arabia. They may well be able to escape so quickly after a raid, as they may be able to or know where the various dimensional portals are in the Plains Of Mist

    Many others also hit the Plains of Mists caravans. They include many different species, from predatory animals, through to demons. Demon Hordes of China, do raid the Plains of Mists, either in search of escaped humans, who use the Plains of Mist as an escape route & to travel safely through demon infested China. The Splugorth minions and slaves also slow down caravans going to their markets, or more likely they hire Desert Nomads to do it for them. This is one way used to increase their profit margins, either Merchants hire mercenaries from Splugorth Lords or their Markest to protect their caravans through Plains of Mist, means extra revenue for the Splugorth Lords. If the goods don’t arrive in one piece at the Splugorth markets then this merchandise becomes classified as rare, due to none reaching the Markets and their prices skyrocket. When this happens always at the last minute the Splugorth manage to pull the merchandise out at the last minute to sell in their markets. Either that one of their favoured merchants just happens to come into town with the merchandise, usually sold to him by the Desert Nomads or other bandits hired by the Splugorth.

    The great strength of the Desert Nomads is their Ebony horses. They also have a ferocity in fighting unmatched and a never say die attitude. It is said if you have not seen the desert nomads and hear their deathcry, it is too late. Desert nomads also love Qanass (falconry). They will have a hunting falcon and a hunting dogs they refer to as the Noble ones (Saluki breed of dogs). The Desert clans and tribes will also have camels.

  2. Guest3991
    L3k where do they liiveee
  3. Guest5077
    The desert.
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