
where do you go after puttting cerubres to sleep on popotropica

by Guest3652  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I need to know so PLZ tell me soon. Going away this Summer! Leaving computer behind.
***** ****

 Tags: cerubres, popotropica, puttting, sleep



  1. Guest9560
    Go back 2 the boat and then exit the underworld.  After that, exit the temple.  Go right and you will see a rock platform moving up & down.  Go on it and when you are at the very top, get off the platform.  Swim right and when you see a temple and a man in red, stop swimming.  Go inside the temple and go to the right.  Stop when you reach a blue door and a offering altar.  Put the starfish as a offering for Poseidon and the door will open.

  2. Guest4474
    Ask Hurkiles to you help move the bolder.
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