
where's the daughter of Dr.Abigail Tyler ?

by Guest1104  |  14 years, 4 month(s) ago

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where's the daughter of Dr.Abigail Tyler ?

 Tags: daughter, dr.abigail, Tyler, wheres



  1. Guest8242

    There are so many people on this earth who believe in something other than God the creator of all things. If this child was not abducted by actual aliens, then the U.S. Government has the ability and the means to make such an abduction appear real. I think that it did happen and that the girl was possibly sacraficed for thier god. Why do you think there are so many unsolved murders and kidnappings? One word "Illuminati" the elite secret society. Look at the blood sacrafices that celebrities have made for success. Then they just brush it off in hopes of making those of us in society think that, "it's all cruel gossip". When in fact none of them truly, truly express their love for Christ. They worship the devil and sacrafice humans to pay hommage to their god satan. Do your research on the Illuminati and blood sacrafices! They own everything ... (i.e. banks, media, music industry, movies, gas, grocery stores etc.) and now thanks to Obama (a 3rd degree devil worshipping Mason) health insurance. They want to controll it all for a new world order. And as long as they can keep you blind they will. You see how they took her daughter and made her appear insane. A highly intelligent, wise educated and credible woman.

  2. Guest1457

    There are so many people on this earth who believe in something other than God the creator of all things. If this child was not abducted by actual aliens, then the U.S. Government has the ability and the means to make such an abduction appear real. I think that it did happen and that the girl was possibly sacraficed for thier god. Why do you think there are so many unsolved murders and kidnappings? One word "Illuminati" the elite secret society. Look at the blood sacrafices that celebrities have made for success. Then they just brush it off in hopes of making those of us in society think that, "it's all cruel gossip". When in fact none of them truly, truly express their love for Christ. They worship the devil and sacrafice humans to pay hommage to their god satan. Do your research on the Illuminati and blood sacrafices! They own everything ... (i.e. banks, media, music industry, movies, gas, grocery stores etc.) and now thanks to Obama (a 3rd degree devil worshipping Mason) health insurance. They want to controll it all for a new world order. And as long as they can keep you blind they will. You see how they took her daughter and made her appear insane. A highly intelligent, wise educated and credible woman.


  3. Guest6440
    I just hope that they didn't take that poor girl to the Dulce Base. If you want to learn more about the Dulce Base go to this link which gives a brief explanation of it: . Also watch the episode of UFO Hunters on OLN channel where they tried to investigate it. Plus I bet if you do some research you will find out more.
  4. Guest3246
    I believe that the real and the sur-real exist atthe same time. There is another invisible world in another dimension that forever exists at he same time. The things which we see with the natural eyes are temporal. But the things in which we can not see are eternal. There is a spiritual war occuring at the same time for the souls of all mankind. As we boldly make a choice to serve the God of Love, Power, and a sound mind, the powers of darkness are brokened and the innocent will be set free forever. If her daughter isn't released in this life on earth, she definitely will be resting in the arms of her Creator. I love and pray for the bereaved and hurting, that all of you will find comfort from Psalms 23, 91 and Isaiah 26:3
  5. Guest9308
    i'm telling you what IS happing to these people is REAL becase it is and was happing to me i have seen the white owl and yes everyone it is real and it is pain full and u can get it out of your head i kept telling my frinds adn they all left me untill i gto them bac to listen to me i have the tap i can tell u that if u think this woman is lieing then u can say i am to i cant tell u how much this is messing up my life THEY TOOK MY LITTLE SISTER and she has never been found becase te police look on ground adn not in the air were they hide untill the sun gose out then thye come out i have makrs all over my floor bors i haves scars on my should soall of u shhh adn liaten this is real
  6. Guest6275
    some unexplained unhuaman took her which is called abducting kinda like kidnappping but its unexplain kindnapping she was never found.
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