
who will sponsor me to come to canada becouse i don't have money

by Guest5883  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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my profession is metal mechanic and i am a refugee i live in italy since august 2008. since then till date i have nothing doing becouse no one is assisting me to get a job as a refugee and am married. i can take care of my wife whom i left in africa becouse i came to italy through sea and with jobless is defficult to feed my wife. is seven years since i lelt her. so please can someone hear my voice

 Tags: becouse, Canada, dont, money, sponsor



  1. Guest6815
    I am MR. Sam Littlewood,my firm handles debt management and loans. We handle request for different sorts of loans and related matter, in as much as we are willing to assist in the issuance of the said loans, we also need to be sure of the repayments of the loans. Our offices are located in both Europe and Africa were we are heavy invested in the oil industry. If you are ready to meet with our terms and conditions, my firm would be ready to run and loan transactions with you. Transactions can be concluded via any of our outlets, every documentation given is issued with all transparency and with the full backing of the laws of the land. That either party shall be fully bound by the terms of agreement and any breach by any party shall be referred to the Royal High Court of England and Wales.

    If you are ready to discuss this matter further, please contact my office via,you will be further given our office official registered email contact once we confirm your status .Only serious enquiries would be attended to.

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