
why did he stand me up

by Guest3214  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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hi my guy just stood me up.  i cooked dinner and he was supposed to come here N HOUR AGO. not reached yet.

he has done quite a bit for me since i met him: had to take me to work daily for about 2 weeks, helped me when i got locked out of my flat, lent me his cmputer and a few other things. i guess relationship started fast but he hasn't really gotten 'it' yet, nothing beyond fooling around.

now, when i asked for help last time, he refused and rowed me. dont quite know why but he said: i've called on him too much, he doesnt have resources for 2 people (we are both students, he cant always say yes....) well, i swallowed that pill, and moved on.

i realized that he had a point so then wanted to cook dinner for him and really thank him.  went to church with him on friday and spoke to him today. he said 2pm was okay, but now its 3pm.

i do feel better having written this about my feelings, but still not quite sure what is gong on. i guess, he is just not that into me??? is that it?

wow, what to do now?

by the way, we are from different cultures: africa and caribbean but we work with that, what now? he is pisces, i am taurus

hurt now

 Tags: Stand



  1. Guest7900
    he thinks u r using him

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