
why did japan join the axis powers

by Guest3196  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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why did japan join the axis powers

 Tags: Axis, Japan, join, Powers



  1. amomipais82
    HI There,
    Japan had used her Navy to basically kick the c**p out of Russia in the few years between the wars. Germany signed a treaty with Japan to offer protection against the growing and industrializing Russia that appeared in the thirties. It gave Japan increased access to the German economy(the largest in the west at that time) and an additional threat to counter Russian interest in Manchuria. Japan had no interest in a European war and never intended to honour the treaty to attack German enemies except Russia and then only in the East. The teaty gave Germany another threat against the Russians in case war happened with them. Germany was very afraid of the extremely rapid economic growth of the new Soviet empire. It promised to be twice the size of the German economy within five years, ten at the most. Germany had no intention of getting into a war in Asia and would not likely have supported a Japanese atack except by an attack in Poland or the Balkan states.
    At the time these treaties were signed Hitler was still the darling of the Capitalist world because he was opposed to Communism and the Soviet Union. Hitler at this time was also the biggest supporter for the creation of a Jewish state on the English controlled Palestine. This support existed from 1928 through to 1940.

    Hope it helps

  2. Guest1684
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