
why did you vote for obama?

by Guest4726  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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i know we all voted for him if not in the election then in spirit, mind and body......what i don't get is why personally did u vote for obama? what do you have to gain from supporting him? whats in it for you to have him as president?

 Tags: obama?, VOTE



  1. Guest6368
    i did not just vote for obama, i voted for a change; America has never been this low on many fronts and bush era for a long while has did nothing but brought us to war time and time again.  Obama actually has a real chance and the best chance at changing the worlds perception about america and actually making the country and the world a better place.

  2. Guest3552
    Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States on Jan. 20, 2009. The son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas, he is the first African-American to ascend to the highest office in the land. He is also the first new president since terrorists attacked New York and Washington on, the first to use the, the first to while in the White House. So striking was the novelty of his rise that he embraced it himself: as a candidate he called himself a skinny kid with a funny name and the theme for his campaign was change. It was a theme with deep resonance for a country enmeshed in what was widely believed to be the. Abroad, many challenges loomed: the war in, the worsening conflict in, the repercussions from, the threat of terrorism and the increasing signs that the economic woes that began on Wall Street had spread across the global economy. Mr. Obama arrived at the White House with a resume that appeared short by presidential standards: eight years in the Illinois State Senate, four years as a senator in Washington. He had managed to wrest the from a field of far more experienced competitors, most notably, whom he outlasted in what became an epic primary battle. And he defeated, the Republican of Arizona, by an while outpolling him by more than eight million votes.
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