
why my site is poor in seo

by Guest2985  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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why my site http://nikefacebook is poor in seo

 Tags: poor, SEO, site



  1. Guest9637
    Please send us the keywords you want others to find you and I will do some research.

    Kind regards,
    Ir. Meindert A. Jorna

  2. Guest5010
    leaving in fear has always been a night-mere to human race, and i believe a little
    risk sometimes can lead to one success, my name is Juan Orion from Canada,last year i got
    ripped by this loan agancy and i don't know what to do,fotunayrly a good friend of mine
    introduced me to a loan firm, can u believe i got a loan of ,,, £15,ooo pounds in just
    three days that's wonderful i believe it will be wise for to do so if u re in really need
    for a reliable loan , all u have to do is just to contact,,
    i believe there is no arm in trying, i wish all of u out there good-luck God bless u
  3. Guest2189
    8 Tips to get higher search engine ranking

    As a webmaster or a blogger, you must want to
    get high search engine ranking, now if you have a couple of minutes, please read this article:
    Do you want to get your website in the top 10? You are not that alone!

    The Internet is a great way to get exposure in whatever you do, having a website gives you the right to public and to be read by people from all over the world.

    Only having a website is not enough, you have to promote it, you have to promote it by strategically marketing your website, just like the real world. Remember, when you start your website, you are already in a competition. The websites on the Internet has become so saturated, it is hard to be noticed without a strategy. If you want to Make money with your Blog, you’d better learn something about SEO.

    The best way to be found on the Internet is to be listed in search engines, like Google, Yahoo and MSN. You could do this by charging to be showed by using Google Adwords or Yahoo Marketing or something. This does really work, but very expensive.

    Finally, you want to get higher search engine ranking for your website or even on the front page of search engines with right keywords, follow these 8 tips to optimize your website and I sure that you will see a positive difference of your website ranking.

    1. Comprise a list of search terms you want people to find your website with. For starters, it would be 3-5 word search strings. i.e. McDowell Mountain Ranch Real Estate or Toledo Organic Dry Cleaners. Remember, something must be specific to your business or hobby.

    2. Familiar with your target market. You can’t be an expert but you have to familiar with your market, write some articles and this will interest people and bring them back for life.

    3. Build your website with original content. Search engines love content especially original content, so take your time to write something in your own words, that would be great! Continue doing this, don’t need a long time, then you can build your blog readership.

    4. Adding fresh content frequently. This including blogging, writing articles, interviewing people, and much more. Anyway, keep your website live, this will help to keep visitors coming to your blog.

    5. Keywords adding. Add keywords from item 1 to your content on every different pages of your website. it is much better to have 100 pages with your keywords listed than to have 1 page with your keywords 500 times.

    6. Keep your website as long as you can. There are many websites come and there are many website go on the Internet, the longer your site live, the higher search engine ranking your website will get, so don’t give up your website so easily.

    7. Drive traffic to your website. You could send out flyers, send out mailers, emails, writing articles, blogging, linking to other websites and so on.

    8. Submit your website to search engines. There are many free search engine submission websites out there, make sure your have submitted your website to them. Or maybe you won’t find your website in these search engines.

    As your site age get old and the more information you add in, your website will get a higher search engine ranking. Of course it doesn’t happen overnight, but
    by frequently updating, your website will provides value to theenduser.Finally,that is what search engines stand for, helpingenduserstogetwhattheyare looking for, high quality content!
  4. Guest101
    i think your keyword is not proper. check your web keywords
  5. Guest4369
    your page has not been found so it is seen on search engine has no extension.
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