
wikileaks royal family:Prince Andrew in diplomatic flap over rude remarks

by Guest9819  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Can anyone tell me that what does Wiki leak says about Prince Andrew?

 Tags: andrew, Diplomatic, familyPrince, Flap, Remarks, Royal, rude, wikileaks



  1. Guest4571
    Prince Andrew slammed British anti-corruption investigators and journalists for getting in the way of trade deals in a diplomatic cable leaked by Wikileaks.US ambassador Tatiana Gfoeller wrote in the October 2008 dispatch that the Duke of York, who serves as a UK trade representative, led a discussion among business leaders in Kyrgyzstan that "verged on the rude. In astonishingly candid" remarks, she said the prince calls the UK and US governments stupid and bemoans the "idiocy" of anti-corruption investigators for nearly scuttling a key trade deal.

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