
will you ever quit your job.Justin Bieber

by Cherlena  |  12 years ago

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will you ever quit your job.Justin Bieber

 Tags: bieber, job.Justin, Quit



  1. Victor Strong

     I don't think Justin Bieber could ever quit his job because his job is to be Justin Bieber. He is definitely first and foremost a singer, entertainer and 'artist', however he is also someone with massive sway and ambitions that are larger than music. Although he has done more than his fair share to p**s off and insult various people through lewd and bafoonish behaviour, we can't forget that Justin Bieber was born in 1994. This is a someone who isn't even legal everywhere in the world who literally has the world in the palm of his hand. He is entitled to mistakes along the way, although I agree that his leash is mighty short right now.

    What I think is his guiding light however, and a true sign that Bieber is a good person is that he recently granted his 200th wish through the Make A Wish Foundation, a record. This is a person who has a chance to make a difference in this world and I think we should all hope that he does realize his full potential as an entertainer, icon and most importantly as a person.

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