
would justin bieber go out with a 10 year old brown hair blueish green eyes about 5' 1 5' 2 lives

by Guest3755  |  13 years ago

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would justin bieber go out with a 10 year old brown hair blueish green eyes about 5' 1 5' 2 lives

 Tags: 10, bieber, blueish, Brown, Eyes, Green, hair, Justin, lives



  1. Guest2295
    will Justin go out with a 10 year old with brown eyes and dark brown hair

  2. Guest5498
    well maybe but justin looks for in a girl is there personality and a nice smile and pretty eyes and biggest of all a girl who has a sexi humor he said it his self on youtube but ya maybe cuz i 11 and really wanna dat him and has alot of the qualitys he looks for in a girl you are the one maybe i am the one no one knows only him maybe try to get in touch with him or go to one of his concerts if u scream really loud u might get his attention
  3. Guest2664
    i can see where you're coming from because his voice sounds like a ten or eleven year olds but realisticly hes almost 16 years have no shot
  4. Guest9186
    please tell me at least you will date a 11 or 12 year old please tell me yes
  5. Guest2292
    yes he likes any girls and f**k the people who say no dont worry (: one day maybe your at a beach and you see him and he will fall in love wel i bet it may come true since your so nice!
  6. Guest927
    he woald go out bwith a 10 year old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Guest3107
    What are you people talking about he wont go out with an 10 year old he already went out with Taylor Swift and know he is going out with Seleana Gomez
  8. Guest3708
    give him a break he is on tour and if u want his attention go to a concert,
    get a backstage pass, get front row seat and touch his hand????????!!!!!!!!!
  9. Guest6275
  10. Guest484
    he wont go out with any one that is younger than him mean just leav him to see  but you can wait and see
  11. Guest4924
    i dont dout it he is 16 and hes dating sme one all ready !
  12. Guest4140
    well...he said he'd rather a younger girl because he feels like he's protecting her more (i found that really cute tbh) and he would date someone aged 13-17, because he's 16, it would be wierd if he was with a 10 year old x
  13. Guest6522
    no  i dont think he would i think he would go out with a girl with dark brown hair a beautiful smile and dark brown eyes then he would proabally would date a ten year old an if he did like alll those things then i would be his girl i dont care that hes a star i like him for the way he is i mean i liike that hes a star but if he wasnt a star i would still like him i was one of the first ones to disccover him before he was a star but he wouldnt date me bedcause im ten welll he might but if he wont then maybe he will have somebody around my age for me but i also like a boy thats not a star but of course i wont ever see him again love you justin number one FAN!!!!!!!
  14. Guest5708
    Justin will not date a 10 year old because he is 16 but he said he will date any girl born in 1994,1995,1996,1997,and1998. So he will not date a 10 year old. I am 12 maybe he will date me wish me luck
  15. Guest5776
    No, I would say it is virtually impossible. I have seen many other similar questions on the internet. Forget height and appearance, it has nothing to do with that. The fact is there is a very big difference between a 10 year old and a 16 year old on many levels. They think differently and have different interests and are going through different experiences. I reckon his range would be between 14 and 17 and 14s pushing it but im guessing. You may not believe me but im sorry its true. He loves all his fans though. :)
  16. Guest3872

    appearance doesn't matter, it is the fact that imagine being in his position and dating someone, if its seems wrong well.., or right i don't know

  17. Guest7700

    appearance doesn't matter, it is the fact that imagine being in his position and dating someone, if its seems wrong well.., or right i don't know

  18. Guest8793

    ok say im ten he is 6 years older then u then in ten years u turn 20 he will only be 26 so yeah i think so

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