
All students enrolled for more than 3 months in Australia

by Guest3870  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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All students enrolled for more than 3 months in Australia

 Tags: Australia, enrolled, months, students



  1. Guest5690
    All students enrolled for more than 3 months in Australia must have a Student Visa. After initiated the course, international students can request a Permission to Work at the immigration office. To get it, they need to go to closest office of immigration  with the passport, fill the form 157 P signed by the school, the letter of the school saying that the person already initiated the course and pay a tax of about A$ 60. All this process can also be done online and usually takes one week to process the application. This permission to work (stamp in the passport) has the same duration of the visa, and will finish when the student visa expires. The permission to work can be applied for all international students from 16 years old.

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