
How can I cut down or shorten my dieffenbachia without killing it?

by Guest442  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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It is 5.5 feet tall.  the trunk is about 1" thick from the root up to approximately 2.5-3 feet then the trunk thickens to a little less than 2".  It's very top heavy and very healthy but I can't get it to stand up on its own.  I want to keep it but would like to shorten it.

 Tags: cut, Dieffenbachia, Killing, shorten



  1. Guest6456
    Any place on the stalk where you see a knub is a place where the plant will root. Worst case scenario if you have to cut the plant it will root in these places and maybe you'll be able to repot it in a more stable position. One of mine is also very top heavy but I have it well tied with bamboo rods and twine.

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