
How do i get a boy to go out with me?

by Guest2895  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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How do i get a boy to go out with me?

 Tags: Boy



  1. Guest2395
    iv been asking myself that question every day well try to be really pretty and do something different with your hair that will sure to ctch his eye but if that does not work really try to flirt with him until he gets the picture kk hope u have a happy love life

  2. Guest5767
    Hi my name's Cody

    In my opinion, I would be interested in a woman that would just go outright and ask me. I have had to be the one that asks all the times that I have. And I'm still single, too... So things that guys'll do if they like a girl are:

    1. If she has to turn in a paper he'll offer to take it for her
    2. He'll open doors for her
    3. If he's talking to people and the girl walks up he will kinda get jumbled in his speech

    And that's if you're someone that's still in school.
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