
How to prevent Earthquakes?

by Guest2598  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Earthquakes can be prevented by releasing jammed plates before too much stress builds up. This can be accomplished by conducting a small explosion to shift the plates.  Alternatively, drilling deep holes and injecting water into rocks reduces friction, enabling smoother movement along a fault.

 Tags: Earthquakes?, prevent



  1. Guest5116
    This is good but how can you do this on a large scale?

  2. Guest5937
    We can never prevent an earthquake. It is a force of nature and the power released is incredibly large
  3. Guest3941
    Its sumthing very imposible but yeah lota countries are performing experiments for preventation
  4. Guest768
    its  impossible  bcz  its  natural
  5. Guest2081
    no 1 can predict an earthquake but there are some ways through which u can prevent destruction on large scale by earthquakes lyk e.g u can drill holes and inject some fluid in it thus reducing the friction.coz earthquakes occur due to stress in the earth,whn the stress is not relased properly thn a time comes and that stress relased abruptly so it results in destruction on large to avoid destruction on large scale v can use two methods
    1)release of stress can b accomplishd by doing a small xplosion
    2)inject any fluid through drilling
    by doing these v just enable the movement of plates smoother
  6. Guest2898
    no 1 can predict an earthquake but there are some ways through which u can prevent destruction on large scale by earthquakes lyk e.g u can drill holes and inject some fluid in it thus reducing the friction.coz earthquakes occur due to stress in the earth,whn the stress is not relased properly thn a time comes and that stress relased abruptly so it results in destruction on large to avoid destruction on large scale v can use two methods
    1)release of stress can b accomplishd by doing a small xplosion
    2)inject any fluid through drilling
    by doing these v just enable the movement of plates smoother
  7. Guest935
    If you mean physical prevention of an earthquake, that is not possible. If you mean mitigating the hazards posed, then there are several things you can do OR scientist can use some techniques to minimise the damage.

    -Identify the week points in the building you live in
    -Have a Civil Defence Kit handy and in a place where you can easily reach it after an earthquake
    -Put valuable items such as heirlooms near the bottom of cabinets so that they are less likely to break when they fall out
    -Have an escape plan
    -Know your local seismic hazards - i.e is that faultline down the road going to rupture in your lifetime, or in the next millenia
    (United States Geological Survey, NZ Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences and so on hold this information)
    -Have fire extinguishers nearby incase of fire after an earthquake
    -If you live near the coast, know the fastest route inland, because if you feel a strong earthquake, a tsunami may not be far behind - especially if any water bodies nearby behave strangely, i.e water level suddenly drops or rises for no apparent reason
    -Turn on the radio and listen to broadcasts for directions if a State of Emergency is declared
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