
How to see and hear laptop display on TV screen??

by Guest2754  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I just bought a VGA cable to connect my small laptop to my TV to watch movies. I incorrectly thought the cable would also allow me to hear out of the TV speakers as well. What else do I need to buy so I can hear out of my TV too (my laptop doesn't have an S-cable so I can't just get one of them). Thanks!

 Tags: display, hear, Laptop, screen, TV



  1. Guest2603
    you need an audio jack cable, I had the same problem and luckily a nice tech guy helped me.

    I used the same cable i use for my car (to connect an ipod to stereo) that has two auxilary ends because i have a brand new tv. you can also buy a cord that has an auxilalry end with two audio ends on the other side.

    hope this makes sense

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