
I give up! (Aries female with a Leo Male)

by Guest4433  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I have been in a roller coaster ride of a relationship for the past 2yrs.
I am an Aries female, and my counterpart is a Male Leo.
We make eachother insane. When we first started to see eachother, he would praise me to no end on everything from how I dressed, to how smart I am, down to how he loves the way my hands look..and would constantly contact me. He would also get extremely jealous if I was seen or heard of talking to another male. We work at the same company.
I started of course to feel suffocated and uneasy. I have never run into someone this intense and it never dawned on me it might be his zodiac sign. It of course all makes sense now that I read it. Anyway, I have been on and off again dumping him for the last 2 yrs and he is always the Chaser everytime I break it off. Now ..he says "i love you" many times infact this week alone its been 3. We do have amazing s*x and are super compatible in that area..but we should have just kept it  I am can you genuinely love someone if most of the time you spend together is in conflict? We both spend alot of energy on eachother..I know he thinks of me all the time and I think of him all the time too..but I never tell him. I feel it would give him control and I just cant let him control me ..well that he can see at least..I feel damned being in this relationship that I cannot seem to stay out of no matter what I do. Ive ended things soo many times I cannot count and each time he begs me to come back. I know the Leo has charm and gets what he wants. He is more stubborn than I am so I give in. He's done some really bad things to me when he's been angry for breaking up with him, and I have forgiven him, but its never forgotten and I always have one foot out the door. I cannot endure yet another year of this disaster. I feel so stuck. Why cant we both just stay way? Anyway....has anyone ever ended it with a Leo and How?


 Tags: aries, female, Leo, male



  1. Guest895
    Well i am a leo and I met an aries woman but she is five years older than me btu we like each others company (I would expect.....) but for soem odd reason she found me I didn't find her yet I guess she is lonely which is way she befriended me I told myself not to fall for her yet there is this connection between us that just cant seem to go away For the one thing The PART that pisses me off the most is the fact that he does bad things to you if you break with him ( remind you he a leo) he just cant seem to let go......The most important part of A relationship is respect!!!!!! RESPECT Even though I am a leo and like to be on top I sometimes let the women take the lead because I want to and I dont like to...............hmmm how do i say this......... hurt women i just dont see how you can....It;s about respect ,respect, respect and friendship is everything in a relationship wtf was he thinking? The Aries that I know says i am very respectful and I guess she  sees something in me that she likes (hopefully not my looks because I am very handsome and I am not very trusting of women) but for the most part let me ask you this? Do U think he is right for U? Because if you think you need to get away from and he comes after you or stalks you need to call the police And If you hits or does soem sort of Domestic Violence s**t call the Police. And another question which came first the s*x or the friendship because if the s*x came first then he just loves for you becaue the things he can do to you when  you two have s*x think woman think! what is going to be?
  2. Guest5968
    Thanks for responding. I was pretty much venting..:) As of last wed. i just stopped talking to him. He of course sent me several emails since i avoid him at work, and i have not responded. I think its driving him nuts. Infact 1hour ago and yes, its Sunday, he wrote me again. To answer your question about which came first, s*x or friendship...he said he wanted to be friends, ..we didnt officially have s*x until about 4months after we were had begun talking and doing some fooling around...back then he said he wanted to take it slow and that he wanted a long term thing. I made it clear i wasnt good with long term physical relationships. I have to have a mental connection with someone or the s*x part will get boring for me. I think part of the problem is that he is from Iowa (no offense to anyone there) however, I am really much more advanced in the bedroom than he is, and so I most likely opened up some door for him that now I cannot close.  For a leo he seems awful desperate to keep me around. I know its only for s*x..even though his words are filled with romance and love, and how he wants to cherish me and he's my biggest fan...I think he's has gotten Love mixed up with s*x\Lust.
    I keep telling him that he's not inlove with me, but its just lust and will fade eventually but it hasnt in 2yrs...i might be fooling myself. I feel bad a little. I might have maybe pushed him over the edge, and made him into a monster now. I dont know. He is not the same as in the begining. Almost like damaged goods.
    He says that i have broken his heart many times and its because i keep leaving him. I know he isnt right for me...and i forgot to mention..he's married and has 3kids....he married a woman that is beneath him, especially physically. they dont match. i believe he did this on purpose as a true leo needs to rule supreme over everyone ...his house im sure is exactly how he needs it to be with her as a servant and he has called her this several times. I know he doesnt love her, but im afraid he's placing the wrong feelings on me. Leo's are known to have wandering i have always told him, "hey you have plenty of girls to go play with, so please leave me alone"...and he wont. He's really goodlooking and can get any girl...maybe he already has a plethera..I never ask. So as it stands right now..he is chasing and i am not responding. I guess I'll see what happens.
  3. Guest9119
    Thanks for responding. I was pretty much venting..:) As of last wed. i just stopped talking to him. He of course sent me several emails since i avoid him at work, and i have not responded. I think its driving him nuts. Infact 1hour ago and yes, its Sunday, he wrote me again. To answer your question about which came first, s*x or friendship...he said he wanted to be friends, ..we didnt officially have s*x until about 4months after we were had begun talking and doing some fooling around...back then he said he wanted to take it slow and that he wanted a long term thing. I made it clear i wasnt good with long term physical relationships. I have to have a mental connection with someone or the s*x part will get boring for me. I think part of the problem is that he is from Iowa (no offense to anyone there) however, I am really much more advanced in the bedroom than he is, and so I most likely opened up some door for him that now I cannot close.  For a leo he seems awful desperate to keep me around. I know its only for s*x..even though his words are filled with romance and love, and how he wants to cherish me and he's my biggest fan...I think he's has gotten Love mixed up with s*x\Lust.
    I keep telling him that he's not inlove with me, but its just lust and will fade eventually but it hasnt in 2yrs...i might be fooling myself. I feel bad a little. I might have maybe pushed him over the edge, and made him into a monster now. I dont know. He is not the same as in the begining. Almost like damaged goods.
    He says that i have broken his heart many times and its because i keep leaving him. I know he isnt right for me...and i forgot to mention..he's married and has 3kids....he married a woman that is beneath him, especially physically. they dont match. i believe he did this on purpose as a true leo needs to rule supreme over everyone ...his house im sure is exactly how he needs it to be with her as a servant and he has called her this several times. I know he doesnt love her, but im afraid he's placing the wrong feelings on me. Leo's are known to have wandering i have always told him, "hey you have plenty of girls to go play with, so please leave me alone"...and he wont. He's really goodlooking and can get any girl...maybe he already has a plethera..I never ask. So as it stands right now..he is chasing and i am not responding. I guess I'll see what happens.
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