
Is Genevieve Nnaji married?Is Ramsey Nouah the husband?

by Guest4634  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

4 LIKES UnLike

And is she alive?

 Tags: Genevieve, husband, marriedIs, Nnaji, Nouah, Ramsey



  1. Guest1339
    is genevieve nnaji married?is ramsey nouah the husband?

  2. Guest4160
    Genevieve nnaji is not dead. My nnaji is and will always be alive!And about Ramsey Nouah I understand your doubts cuz they have played 2gether in a couple of movies. But Ramsey Nouah has a family of his own. Genevieve Nnaji is not married. For your information, Nnaji said a man is the only thing she's missing in her life now.
  3. Guest1207
    am not certain why doesn't she no longer acts and i enjoyed he films very much second is Ramsey Nouah her husband please tell me?
  4. Guest2575
    genevieve nnaji is not married ramsey is married to emilie philips nouah.
  5. Guest2482
    yes its quite funny or should I say ''weird''. Their marrigae makes it easy to believe that 2 alluring people can still wed each other. Hope their baby will equally be as pretty as her mom or as handsome as his dad!
  6. Guest1019
    have they ever dated?
  7. Guest1399

    She's alive, that's for sure . As far as dating & marriage are concerned, the wench ain't married though currently dating some guy . Got a daughter as well, hope that clears some mist a bit .

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