
The top 3 problems with diets

by Guest419  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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The top 3 problems with diets -

 Tags: Diets, top



  1. Aalia
    #1 - They lower your metabolism: Essentially when you lower your calories in a diet you are also lowering the way in which your metabolism responds to foods eaten. This is because we are all naturally programmed to go into a survival mode when the body detects a sudden drop in calories consumed.

    #2 - They can't be maintained: Low calorie diets must stay continuous for results to be maintained. When you switch onto a diet that temporarily lowers calorie intake and then bumps them back up again you will often encounter rebound effects where you lose weight during the diet but afterward put it back on because you've trained your metabolism to drop.

    #3 - They create rebound effects: As mentioned above, low calorie diets create rebound effects by lowering your metabolic rate to match with the calories consumed. This is why when people finish these diets the weight comes piling back on faster than ever. The solution then is to either maintain a low calorie diet for life, or the best thing to do is boost the metabolism in some way. Thankfully there is actually a diet that does this, its known as calorie shifting.

    Calorie shifting is a diet that focuses on boosting your metabolism through the foods you eat, not by avoiding foods. In fact the goal of the diet is so you feel full at just about all times, while consuming a diverse diet of calories which stimulates your metabolism to peak levels where it is able to continuously burn fat.

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