
What are cheat codes for R-4 games?

by Guest2732  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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I need cheat codes of R-4 games, if anyone know please tell me! Show me some easy way to do it.


 Tags: cheat, Codes, games, R4



  1. Guest4054


    There is no need to worry about it, you can get it in a very easy way, and all you have to do is to download the Rayders Massive Cheat Database.

    Once you are done with downloading, you can place that in the system folder. Now you are done. But if you want to do it some other way, or it might happen that the game you want cheats for is not covered in Rayders Database, than you need to download the Official R4 Cheat Code Editor.

    This portal is the exclusive place where you can get it easily.

    Once downloaded, you will need to extract it from its archive, as you have made a separated folder before.  If you do not know how to extract it, than you can do it this way.

    If you are thinking that you need to install it, than you are wrong. Here you do not need to install it. You would not need to install it, just go into the Cheat code editor folder and you can easily start Cheat Code Editor.exe.

    Now you have to open up the usrcheat.dat or cheat.dat which is saved in your system folder in your MicroSD.

    For downloading, you can go to this link.

    It is quite easy and workable. Still need some info than do consult me here.



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