
What are the perceptional, formal, and functional regions of Jamaica?

by Guest7229  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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What are the perceptional, formal, and functional regions of Jamaica?

 Tags: Formal, Functional, Jamaica, perceptional, regions



  1. amomipais82
    I can't say that Barbados has a formal region. We are small that the places are very informal. You might find that the more developed areas are more so like the areas that tourists live in. Sandy lane is an example because only the rich and famous like Simon Cowell live there. It is an area that have lots of hotels and villas.

    Functional-carrying out a function, useful in many ways. What area would be carrying out a function? You could say the garrison. Holetown is use as a tourist area, for shopping as well as for socializing at night, it is one of our towns.It also has lots of hotels and villas. On Sundays night 'First Street' is a area where you can go and listen or sing karaoke. Lots of tourists visit the bars there as well.

    Oistins is another town that is a fishing village during the day. At night it is transformed into a place of entertainment where visitors sample all types of fried or grilled fish. There is music all throughout the area in the shops and the open areas. People dance in the open air to oldie music. Craft is also sold at this location. There are bars open during the day and night. in actual fact I do not believe that some bars close at all. There are also supermarkets as well as a pharmacy, police station etc. All the things that you will find in a town are there. When I passed through there this evening I saw many tourists at the tables drinking and eating. Friday night is the best night to visit there.

    Baxters Road is another area like this. During the day the bars are open but at night it is transformed into a place where you can smell the fish frying. People comes out and set up their Coal Pots and fry fish until sunlight. It is considered as 'the street that never sleeps'.

    Perceptual(vernacular region) an area that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity.

    The villages throughout Barbados shaped the people since that is where the majority of them come from. Right now some of them have moved up into heights and terraces but still remember where they came from. Heights and terraces are developments away from the city. In these villages people some people still look out for each other. The country area also shaped many people since they tend to share what they grow with their neighbours. In the country you can still beg for a breadfruit if you are hungry. In town you MIGHT have to pay for it.

    I hope I answered your question how you wanted. This is one of the hardest questions I ever had to answer.

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