
What is the Importance of HTML Sitemaps For Site Optimization

by Guest7522  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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As sitemap is the most recommended part of Onsite optimization, I want to know some importance and key features of HTML sitemaps.  

 Tags: HTML, importance, Optimization, site, Sitemaps



  1. Guest120
    Basically, HTML sitemaps are web pages. They are no different from your home page, about pages, and other sub-pages on your website. So it is really not difficult to create an HTML sitemap; as long you know how to create a page, you will surely have the competence to build a sitemap.

    The difference between a sitemap and other pages on your site is content. Sitemaps consist purely of links that point directly to individual pages of your site. And whatever updates you make on your website, you have to ensure that your sitemap will be updated also.
    There is no doubt that HTML sitemaps are very important for your website. It makes your website very friendly for bots and humans.

    Search engine spiders or bots really do not have any idea what's on your website. Without links, these bots will index your main page and nothing more. If you have a sitemap, the bots can crawl and index even your deeply nested pages. So if you want a page that you want to rank high on search results, you can make it more likely to happen by guiding the bots through the sitemap

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