
Why do Bats always turn left when exiting Cave?

by Guest8509  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Why do Bats always turn left when exiting Cave?

 Tags: Bats, Cave?, exiting, left



  1. Guest5606
    Similar to the oceans, bats are affected by the moon. Due to bats hanging upside down, the moon always appears at their feet. When the moon sets in the western hemisphere, this appears on the bat's left hand side. As a result bats are naturally orientated to their left hand side when they fly out of their cave.

    And this is a fact

  2. Guest5126
    ^ can't be true, oceans are affected by the gravity the moon inflicts on them. the theory that they do it because of the coriolis effect is more likely.
    OR, ofcourse, it could be an instinct so they wouldn't bump into each other.

    or they're just very democratic.
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