
what is Allergic Reaction Prognosis?

by Guest732  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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My wife suffered from a terrible skin syndrome where she thought she had bugs and fibers under her skin. She almost committed suicide it was so bad. Is there anyone can tell me what is Allergic Reaction Prognosis?

 Tags: allergic, Prognosis, reaction



  1. Guest5705
    Most allergic reactions respond well to medications.
    Hives, swelling, breathing difficulties, even anaphylaxis often improve and disappear in minutes to hours.
    Some rashes take several days to heal.
    Your health-care provider may want to monitor you for a few hours.
    A dangerous allergic reaction may warrant an overnight stay in the hospital.
    Allergic reactions will continue with continued exposure to the allergen or trigger.
    You need to avoid any triggers you know cause an allergic reaction.
    Ingested, inhaled, or injected allergy triggers may take days for the body to eliminate.
    Continued medical therapy is necessary for continued exposure.
    You may be referred to an allergy specialist if you continue having reactions.

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