
Does midterm2010 election all bad news for Obama?

by Guest808  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Republican's holding position after midterm 2010 is a bid bad news for Obama and I wonder does midterm 2010 election all bad for Obama.

 Tags: Bad, Election, midterm2010, News, Obama



  1. Guest1705
    Many persons appear to have swapped edges because impractical anticipations of the Democratic Party were not met. Now that the Republicans command Congress – and therefore accept some blame for government – they will have to rendezvous those identical impractical expectations. This task is perplexing because the Republicans did not win both Houses of Congress. Although they now command the House of Representatives, they manage not command the Senate. In the American political scheme – which in this sense is very distinct from Britain – a divide Congress generally entails gridlock. so I think not all bad news for Obama!

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