
How do I earn a level on groupon?

by Guest6174  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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I want to learn more and more level on groupon. Can someone tell me that how can I earn these levels?

 Tags: earn, groupon, level



  1. Guest5722
    In some cities, we are testing leveling. Where available, every "different" Groupon you buy gets you one step closer to the next level. Here’s how you reach new levels: Buy 2 different Groupon deals to become a "Sandwich", Buy 5 different Groupon deals to become a "Falcon", Buy 15 different Groupon deals to become a "Moon", Each different Groupon deal you purchase between 7/1/2010 - 12/31/2010 counts toward your level. This includes Daily Deals and Side Deals. Each different Groupon you buy helps you get one step closer to the next level.

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