
How to Write a Persuasive Speech for School?

by Guest4450  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I am looking for some useful tips to write a persuasive speech for school. Does anyone know the techniques for that?

 Tags: Persuasive, school, speech, write



  1. Guest8329
    Writing a persuasive speech takes a lot of preparation before you can actually begin writing. You should first outline your side of the argument, and go over all the points that you want to make. In addition, you should research the topic and find concrete facts that support your case. Project what you think your opposition will argue, and look for evidence that contradicts that side of the story. A typical persuasive speech is 5 to 8 pages long. Open your speech with an introduction that states the topic and all the relevant, neutral facts surrounding the issue. The speech should be written in first person or second person and double spaced. Double spacing makes a paper easier to read and easier for the teacher to grade. Assert your position on the issue, and go over the main points why your argument is correct. Use the evidence you gathered to back up your assertion. For example, a solid thesis could be that globalization has caused destruction and detriment to Third World countries, and needs to be stopped. You could then back this up with evidence of the development of sweatshops and disparity of economic classes in Third World countries that have accepted globalization.

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