

by Guest6099  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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 Tags: information, Real, WEREWOLVESPLS



  1. Guest2000
    Um, I'm sorry I don't know much....what I do know is that the full moon doesn't control the transformations, the werewolf does. Um, there are many type of shifting, Physicail shifting, Phantom shifting, Arial shifting, Bio-camation shifting, mental shifting, sense, I asome its cuase you're a werewolf....don't worry I'm one too...but hope this helps

  2. Guest3644
    The science about the matter is as follows:

    To physically transform a  creature the size of a human from one biological entity into another would require large amounts of energy to be metabolized..... Science would have you believe this is physically impossible ,but there is something about werewolves that allow them to carry this large amount of energy required to change, although a physical change is hard to complete, it takes extreme focus. another side note is that you ( if it is in fact you) should not be 100% afraid of silver. Silver does not kill werewolves unless ingested so i wouldn't recommend that the werewolf in question eat any silver. This being said it is important for you to know how silver does affect us. Werewolves can be physically injured just as easy as humans ,but our main difference is that we have an extremely extremely fast metabolism ( required for shifting)  that allows for almost instant healing of all wounds. I broke my ankle and although it was extremely painful to re-set it myself, it healed almost completely in about 15 seconds and i was able to walk as normal. Silver prevents this instant healing somehow, i'm not really sure about the biochemistry involved that causes silver to prevent us from healing ,but it does. Thats why it was believed that to kill a werewolf you needed to use silver bullets.... there's nothing mythical or magical about this it's just that silver stops us from healing at a fast rate so a werewolf shot with a silver bullet would take the same damage as if he were shot with a normal bullet ,but would not be able to heal as fast from the injury. So you shouldn't be afraid of silver unless it's coming in contact with a wound , in fact i wear a silver ring and necklace everyday.
  3. Guest215
    The science about the matter is as follows:

    To physically transform a  creature the size of a human from one biological entity into another would require large amounts of energy to be metabolized..... Science would have you believe this is physically impossible ,but there is something about werewolves that allow them to carry this large amount of energy required to change, although a physical change is hard to complete, it takes extreme focus. another side note is that you ( if it is in fact you) should not be 100% afraid of silver. Silver does not kill werewolves unless ingested so i wouldn't recommend that the werewolf in question eat any silver. This being said it is important for you to know how silver does affect us. Werewolves can be physically injured just as easy as humans ,but our main difference is that we have an extremely extremely fast metabolism ( required for shifting)  that allows for almost instant healing of all wounds. I broke my ankle and although it was extremely painful to re-set it myself, it healed almost completely in about 15 seconds and i was able to walk as normal. Silver prevents this instant healing somehow, i'm not really sure about the biochemistry involved that causes silver to prevent us from healing ,but it does. Thats why it was believed that to kill a werewolf you needed to use silver bullets.... there's nothing mythical or magical about this it's just that silver stops us from healing at a fast rate so a werewolf shot with a silver bullet would take the same damage as if he were shot with a normal bullet ,but would not be able to heal as fast from the injury. So you shouldn't be afraid of silver unless it's coming in contact with a wound , in fact i wear a silver ring and necklace everyday.
  4. Guest3155
    werewolfs they walk they talk they live.
    what u wont t now is every thing right well i help with any werewolf questions.
    Please if u doe email me at
  5. Guest3093
    Ummmmmm.....................I known some things some are secert and also you may ask but I may not tell you. Here is one they are not howling at the moon they are calling other werewolfs or warding off enemies.
  6. Guest8050
    I can answer that question trufully yes they exist because i am one i was born one and i dont know how  and i love it i cant change yet im only 13 but i have very good senses. And im also a misanthope
  7. Guest9399
    Here's some help, though i'm seeking some myself. My significant other is a lycanthrope and he needs help too so from a witches perspective here is my advice for ANYBODY who needs to come to terms with their true, natural self:

    Know yourself. Know your strenghts, know your weeknesses. Know why that aspect of You brings You down or lifts you up, why it hinders or helps You. Know Your purpose in life, is it prolific? Is it Healing? Does it have its roots in Creativity and Beauty and honnoring life(which is the most sacred of all things) or in Destruction of &Yourself and Others? Does it make you feel Good? If it does, then obviously you can find some productive way to harness that power/energy!
    Oh s**t! now i have to go.......
    maby later i will return w/more advice, titled ADVICE PART 2

  8. Guest2163
    hello just to let you know that i'm a real werewolf and that i can help you big time here are some facts on us:
    1. We get very irritated easily and sometimes for no reason.
    2.Your eyes may change colors when you have mixed feelings.(greenish yellowish)
    3.If you are just finding out that you are a werewolf,you will not be a p-shifter just yet(physical shifter) like your meat between rare and med. rare
    5.your eye site is not very good feel a strange pull to the moon(especially full)
    7.hairy than most
    8.wide flatish tongue(flater than most people)
    9. Stronger than usual strength at night
    10.your teeth ache to bite on something hard
  9. Guest7933
    they are realy and don't kill every one in their site. they also don't hunt every full moon only after their human golden birthday then comes their true power and all that cool stuff. and y do you ask? you think your friend is on or what?
  10. Guest8600
    Ok werewolfs do not change on the full moon they can change anytime they please the full moon just provides them more power. We are usually very friendly unless it is time to hunt and you appear in a hungry werewolfs way. Sometimes their are crossbreeds of werewolfs vampires and witches which are called true bloods. They are much more dangerous and will kill you if you anger them once they have been awakened. To stop a werewolf you need a vampire a witch or another werewolf that may be willing to work for you. You can change into a werewolf if they inject enough of their saliva into you. Changing into a werewolf is not painful but will cause you to grow taller around 6 feet. Thats all the information that involves werewolfs.
  11. Guest7712
    well i don't know alot, but i noticed that we have a higer temperature then humans, so watch out for thermal cameras, just say you have a fever. oh and also if someone shines a torch into you eyes at night, they reflect back, like racoons and dogs, or it might just be me? hope this is sort of useful, i'll right more i can think of other important stuff that hasn't already been said.
  12. Guest8804
    you people need help...
  13. Guest45
    well one thing you should know about is that we will usally not harm humans unless they attack us or were hungrey and you have alotta meat.
  14. Guest7903
    well they're strongest in a full moon and they feast on humans
  15. Guest6038
    hey girlie um y the f**k u need info on that!
  16. Guest4464
    im a witch so i only know what every one else already said
  17. Guest6925
    some of you people who answered this is not even close to the right answer but the others are dead on it's really cool to be a werewolf ecspecialy if you like to run alot lol some people claim they are werewolves but if you ask them a question about werewolves you can tell pretty easily if they are liying like some on this post whatever it is called you should not be giving out information about werewolves if you have no idea what the freak you're talking about so before you go telling someone something you should really get the facts straight first lol cause you will seem stupid if you say you know something but actually don't
  18. Guest9415
    If you are able to connect to dogs or anything like dogs that's a sign, the older werewolves can change at will not by emotion and if you feel has if you are a werewolf you are not alone at first i had a problem like you not knowing anything but my pack helped. if you need help/info i shall try my best to help just e mail me at just out wolf help has subject this is for any one i shall try to reply to emails has soon has possible and good luck out there.
  19. Guest9229
    if you feel you are a wolf in your heart 99.9999% you most likely are
  20. Guest7207
    yes they are rale cause my frend is one
  21. Guest1326
    still look for the truth
  22. Guest2440
    vampires are g*y rotting corpses and are g*y
  23. Guest3109
    Well, I am one, I learned much about myself, because, just like humans, we don't know every scientific thing about ourselves, go here, and learn....
  24. Guest6840
    Well, I am one, I learned much about myself, because, just like humans, we don't know every scientific thing about ourselves, go here, and learn....
  25. Guest1832
    the truth is is that im a werewolf and its hard but .....
    anyway they are very moody and they hate the human smell and they love spending there time hunting at nite but its easy after a while
  26. Guest1121
    well i am a werewolf and im only 11 but i know alot k so i hate the smell of human and i hunt at nite and rarely ever sleep if u need more ask ill tell
  27. Guest2080
    i have believed in all that kind of stuff since i was a little gurl. my life feels like out of a movie. i am one of the chosen ones to help with the end of the world. their are demons on earth. their are vampires and werewolves. but how they act is their choice. some are good and some are evil. my fiancee is a vampire and he is good. he can sense others like him and gets rellly pertective. he can also sense werewolves. and they give him weird looks and you can tell they are trying to hold themselves together. but when i look at them they know its okay. and they relax. everything is real. thts why humans feel uneasy at night. because it isnt safe at night. never go anywhere byself. especially at night or in a secluded area. i know alot of information. but i want to learn more because my friends and i are in danger. message me at if you are like us. if you want information or if you have information to give. oh and btw im younger then you might think.
  28. Guest245
  29. Guest9410
    werewolves first off arn't like many people think, werewolves are not what hollywood or other movie companies set out for them to look like, werewolves are in most cases just tring to get a life. Unlike many christian belifes werewolves did not come for some fource of evil or the devil(satin), this was a lie made up to attract more people to christianity. People fear that werewolves are menacing creatures that they should fear, when in fact we may be hurting them more. Unlike many myths silver will not kill a werewolf and holy water or sacred objects will not ward them off, for they are not made by evil and are not fazed by what they are. A werewolf has control over its actions unlike many belifes, they are not bloodthirsty beasts that search for human prey. Werewolves do not only transform by the full moon, they are able to transform at will via mathod P-Shift:

    The P-Shift is subosibly the most effective way to become one, you study the animal and learn all of its traits, once you become somewhat of an expert of the named animal then you have completed the first part, second part is to apply this knowledge to your actual life, you start acting like the animal and start thunking like the animal, eventually you run into the M-Shift, or mental shift, if this form you forget you are human for short periods of time. Once you perfect the M-Shift, then you are ready for the P-Shift, or Phisical Shift. To achieve this you need to get into a form af meditation, clear your mind of everything and focus an image into your mind, repeat this several times, once you memorize the image of what you want to look like clear your mind again and begin picturing you becoming that form, one part at a time, and building up slowly, don't go to fast or you will put to much strain on you body. Eventually you will start getting a sensation in the limb you are focusing on, this is an indicator that you are starting, later as you get closer that sensation will become heat and sometimes pain, but don't freak out cause this will stop the shift. repeat this and suposibly you will become that creature, this works with any animal. This process can take a few weeks or a few months or years, it depends on the will of the person trying it.

    werewolves slowly regenerate there tissue amking it nearly impossible to find their real age. Also the real way to kill a werewolf is any wound that completely destroys the brain or heart, but decapitation is the most common way.

    If you are bitten by a werewolf and then kill the werewolf, you will NOT be relived of the curse, think of it like a virus like rabies. While werewolves can transform at will there are some circumstances in which a werewolf has limited control over the transformation, but not a loss of controll over themselves as a werewolf, some of these include a full moon at a certain position and a certain part of the moon vissible, and hearing the howling or moaning of another werewolf.

    There are myths that a werewolf has diffenent colored blood or urine, this is false, and a very unreliable way to find out if sameone is a werewolf, the most reliable ways include but are not limited to:

    Their Smell
    Body features, fingers longer than they should be, ext...
    Dose the person like to howl
    and more...

    Only males can become werewolves, weomen are considered Shewolves and while they are basicly the same there are some differences.

    If you want more information contact me at

    I hope I gave some understanding on an often missunderstood or misinterpreted subject.

    I hope this answered your question.

    PS: I belive that there are werewolves too, in fact I'n debating if I want to try becoming one.
  30. Guest2320
    What do u kneed help with i may be able to healp just email me at
  31. Guest7320
    The best way to find out about werewolves is to ask one. E-mail me with any questions you have, and I will answer. My e-mail is:
  32. Guest4048
    ur are a dome!!!!!!!!!!!
  33. Guest3453
    if i were you i'd run away from this werewof. you have no idea what your getting into.
  34. Guest3843
    any questions please send to i am a werewolf and i cannot p-shift yet
  35. Guest1653
    uhm based on this info i think im a werewolf ahoooo jk! dont know anything but ur good at training dogs.
  36. Guest5610
    I'm Pretty Sure I'm A Werewolf! Well Based On this info i think i'm one.
  37. Guest4957
    can anybody tell me how I know im a werewolf?
  38. Guest1885
    hey,they are real but not what you see or here in story books mostly found in men its there from birth, its there anger, you got undersand that ove nd hate are to differnt things but the only thing that seprates them is a line hate is passion love is also passion it can not be control and when they turn which is usaly at night and a full moon, when they feel more free they apear to look like an animal but there not they are human the signs you need to look fo is all in the eyes there pupils dialte, and whats left of the color is a deep honey yellow the white bit goes red,they change the shadow in there face, to look more dark there voice changes, some times they smile and laugh its an evil laugh to very scary, and they forget about it after i know this because my bf is one we love each other cause i understand his passion and im the only girl who has never ben afraid of him, no one has ever looked in his eyes even his parents never do, warewolfs they live wanting fear they love pain and to make pain they forget about who they are and they forget about who they love j they dont know why but they love the though of crushing someones jw in the hands to humans like my self that sounds sick or tht person need some help but gt to the sorce and ask why they like it they will never get angry unless its something to be ngry about jelousy is a huge one every one has the 7 deadly since wrath is what is in warewolves and it over takes them just dont be scared hope i helped
  39. Guest1165
    I have nightmares about them. They may be out their.HaHa
  40. Guest8565
    they are real they can chang in to werewolves wend they want to . Plus sorry about my vovabalary i suck at it .
  41. Guest7138
    u can tell if a person is a werewolf by their eyes which r black ,or yellow then if they are never around in the winter or full moon there are four types of werewolves 1.change in the full moon 2.their souls are a wolf and they can make their souls come out of there bodes 3.there kinda the same but this one has to change every time it gets cold 4.then there are the ones that change when they get made this is the most important do not i say do not look in there eye or else they can tell your next move if you want to kill him or her use silver and always have silver with you werewolves are every where but their diffrint some to be friends a lover or even you may know one so dont be scard theirs nothing to be affrad and I am one and most of my family and friends are too we're all diffrent but we don't hurt people so theirs nothing to be affrad of
  42. Guest3128
    Many people don't believe werewolves are real buut to tell you I think they are real. Somethings are werewolves are real they look like regular people an dchange whenever they want to. They can't be normal any more. The new werewolves can't control themselves and turn into one on very short notice.
    You can tell if someones a werewolf by very aggressive behavior rudeness and meat craver but it doesn't mean every one is a werewolf
  43. Guest806
    I am also one too. Also I wrote the one beneath this one but don't worry being awerewolf is fun exspecially if your a therian which I am. If you turn out to be a average you wont remember any thing you did while being one.
  44. Guest6484
    if you want to know, just join my site, its for Weres/therians,  also its for those who want to Shift (m-shift, P-shift and so on)
  45. Guest115
    most of this information i dont know is true or not though i dont know if i am one or not but i do know werewolves are real and there has been much said about them but one thing i do beleive is that silver does not affect werewolves in anyway though yes they cna be killed silver does nothing more to affect them and they have no connection with the moon only reaosn why people think that is because most werewolf sighting are most common with a fulll moon because its the brightest night then and you have to be born a werewofl you cant be one any other way though and the connection with the cold is almsot right there are some whos hair or furr grows thicker dureing the winter and shorter dureing the summer thats about all i know of right now
  46. Guest2591

    i know it exits and im one if you dont beleive me don't i feel the same mixed up feeling than you i really want to know you better because i want to protect werewolves from being known by every human

  47. Guest5070

    um they dont react to silver um they can change at will many breeds most have a deep hatred for vampires though there ar entrieses (vampire warewolfs) (im one ) (dont hate me fellow wolfs im 5,000 yearss old)

  48. Guest4676

    yes i think werewolfs are real....sometimes ur eyes fool you but sometimes things are what the seem.yes i think theyre real becuase well lets just say im realy close to a werewolf.but just beause people make them look scary theyre not theyre really cool ceatures i would know becuase im sorta a werewolf i have all thesymptoms and my bff well shes a vampire but we don kill people were good.dont be alarmed.hope this helped solve ur quesion.later

  49. Guest65

    i belive you i am too my wolve name is spirit

  50. Guest256

    You've all read to many books or watched to many movies. Wherewolves dont exist but if they did a prerequisite would obviously be an inabillity to spell worth a f...

  51. Guest7235

    thay are rea and that is info

  52. Guest2313

    im one too hi spirit i know who transformed him it was snowflake im not sure if the pack would like me telling u this but do not be afraid it will reveel u and some times kill u so i cant say much more butt fakers dont fake spirit ur true ur in the pack  im the leader me and spirit were together in school in the years 1569-1621 ive tooken over my 12 body.....                                                                                                                -snowflake

  53. Guest2194

     werewolves are real i know cause im a werewolf my friends is a vampire his cousin is a werewolf but to be able to change when ever you want to you have to go though your unwilling change witch tends to happen when your 25 but people say that it happens befor that werewolves can be killed with everything humans can i dont know were people got the idea that silver dose something it dosent i havent changed yet but my friend said that werewolves are giant wolves we arnt dangouse but we can be we get angry just like that we have the most random emotions we have preaditor moments were we need or want to kill something (that might just be me) we are just like humans only wll you can guess we are werewolves there are differnt creatures to there are werewolves, vampires, angles, demons, trackers, hunters, and warlocks (goblin type creatures not dark sorcerors) we all have certain personalitys and we arnt from satin that would be the hunters and trackers werewolves and vampires are from god but most people dont think so the full moon isnt any differnt from a normal moon we just like it (my theory is the moon has a spirt) we are loyal loveing and careing creatures we can fell emotions (that might just be me) we can since danger and we can be more dangours tahn anything else if there is any other thing you want to know just post


  54. Guest7807

    werewolves were discovered in late 1600's when  a scientist brought human and wof blood he mixed and made the blood into a shoot he asked vistors to come and he put some blood into there drinks. werewolves are very real you need to medatate it helps you become one sit in your room lock the door think nothing else except being a werewolf. i did it i had to stop but i coulnd't its obessession so try do this or look somthin else up on the computer

  55. Guest8311

    i  am  a  werewolf  and  we  don't  like  to  eat  peaple  or  raw  meat  we  don't  changr  wolf  form  ether    were  only  have  sharp  teeth  shure  we  bite  people  when  were  mad  at  them  but  were  frendly  realy

  56. Guest6731

    medatating really works


  57. Guest5471

    It's a spiritual battle.  Good and Bad.  God and Satan.  God is Love, Satan is Lies.  From what I've learned, werewolves are real.  They work for Satan and are punishers to people who try to break away from the occult.  If you want more information, read Dr. Rebecca Brown's books on spiritual warfare.

  58. Guest9572

    this is a very dangerous question to be asking. a real "werewolf" dosnt exist as is seen in fiction and movies. however that does not mean that there is no such thing, merely just not in the sense that the question is asked

  59. Guest3365

    you guys are alll idiots!

  60. Guest5395

    i really do believe in werewolves, i may not be one but in a really complicated way i know they are real. i dont know how but they are. and i know how insain i sound but its like i can feel  it in my blood like i can sence it its sooo freaky. if anyone knows what is happing to me, please tell me... 

  61. Guest5223

    try to remain quiet as long as you can. donot be afraid of it it will just play with you before killing you.if you get the chance to run take it but be quiet. try to cut off there head if you can

    good luck

    p.s. to any one who says werewolves are satans lackies most of them were changed unwillingly and they have full conciousness of what there doing but cant always control themselves. satan had no hand in the creation of werewolves

  62. Guest3645

    hey, i need  help knowening  if i could be a... werewolf...

    i feel stronger in the moon light, i run faster, and when i get angery.... i really strong.... i move faster... and at nihgt i crave meat......

    i reading books, and stuff on the internet, the say "gingers"  are one of the few werewolfs that don't do good with humans...... i don't want to hurt my family, or my girl friend. i'd love the help

  63. Guest193

    how can i become a real werewolf

  64. Guest6648

    Tell ya truth bro i have some neighbours down the back that say they work for the mining company. I dont know if that is true but i think they are wearwolves. But not that bad type they seem prettey cool. But every single person who says there joining the mining company becomes very fit in like 1 day. They get buffer and stronger. They can move FRIKING WHEEL BIGGER THEN TRUCK WHEEL UP MY ROAD AND IT ON A SLOAP. So yea i think they want me to join them because the leader Markus has invited me to his Race tracks and then to Moo his lawn every week.

    Sound stupid but yea. Anyway i think i have been bitten im not sure im not fit but i always stay same shape look fit and strong i am the strongest in my school but i cant run for long. Im not sure but yea oo and i always wake up now and then with these scratches that i cant even remmember getting.

  65. Guest9693

     you have nothing to fear about,i am alpha and iam peacefull

  66. Guest6654

    I want to be a werewolf and I know I'm not and I'm glade its not bad things for christans also I want to know how to become one... I cant smell anything its really anoying when people say "You can't smell!?" uk please inform me.

  67. Guest6440

    hi im a i think im a werewolf but im in a spiret fight with my wolf spiret and my human spiret but im going to tell u that most of us werewolfs have ADHD i know 5 werewolfs they all have ADHD so ya also u have a strange feeling when u see meat to attack it and kill it or when u get insulted u want to attack the person even if its ur bff yet if u see them getting hurt u attace who hurts them also at night u are rest less and u want to hunt are run go outside and find ur pray thats how i feel FROM shadow (PS thats my werewolf name)

  68. Guest4564

    werewolves.. eh. They are very nice creatures you have nothing to fear I am one and im peacfully quiet around others even in wolf form!

  69. Guest7900

    unless you are a werewolf or any other "mythical creature" you should not get involved in the affairs of us. we are very secretive and myths about us shouldn't even exist. so stop being so scared bc we try not to kill you guys

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