
What efforts have been made by SBP for awareness of the farming community?

by Guest9879  |  13 years ago

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Our farming community is generally unaware of different agricultural loan schemes. My question is what efforts have been made by State bank of Pakistan for awareness of the farming community?

 Tags: Awareness, Community, efforts, farming, SBP



  1. Guest6707
    For awareness building of the farmers, State bank of Pakistan has published pamphlets, brochures/book-lets containing information about different agricultural credit schemes/products in Urdu and English as well as in all regional languages and these publications have been distributed to the stakeholders including farming community. Besides, SBP has been arranging special outreach training programs since 2003 indifferent cities of Pakistan for the banks, Agriculturists, Nazism, Chambers of Agriculture and representatives of Farmers’ Associations. SBP officials along with banks’ representatives also undertake field visits across the country especially to make the farmers aware of loaning facilities available and various schemes & new products of banks.

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