
When can i shave if I have certain dri on?

by Guest1318  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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So I want to get certain dri, but I don't know when I can shave. I know not 2 put it on right after you shave, so is it safe to shave on a day  I don't put certain dri on? (I heard it's a 72 hour protection, so you don't have to put it on every day.) So, my question is, can I shave my armpits on a day I didn't JUST apply certain dri?

 Tags: dri, shave



  1. Guest621

     you can shave whenever you'd like, you just can't apply Certain Dri after showering/shaving. So you'd have to wait until the next day or morning to apply it.

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