

by Guest3103  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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  1. paafamily
    The name Friday comes from the Old English frīgedæg, meaning the day of Frige the Old English form of Frigg, a West Germanic translation of Latin dies Veneris, "day (of the planet) Venus." However, in most Germanic languages the day is named after freyja—such as Frīatag in Old High German, Freitag in Modern German, Freyjudagr in Old Norse, Vrijdag in Dutch, Fredag in Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish—but Freyja and Frigg are frequently identified with each other.

    The word for Friday in most Romance languages is derived from Latin dies Veneris, "day of Venus" (a translation of Greek Aphrodites hemera) such as vendredi in French, venerdì in Italian, viernes in Spanish, and vineri in Romanian. An exception is Portuguese, also a Romance language, which uses the word sexta-feira, meaning "sixth day of liturgical celebration", derived from the Latin "feria sexta" used in religious texts where it was not allowed to consecrate days to pagan gods.

    In most of the Indian languages, Friday is Shukravar (or a derived variation of Sukravar), named for Shukra, the Sanskrit name of the planet Venus. In other Indo-European languages the day is not related to the planet Venus.

    In most Slavic languages an ordinal number is used in the name for this day of the week: Belarusian Пятніца, Bulgarian Петък, Czech pátek, Polish Piątek, Russian Пятница, Serbian петак, Serbo-Croation Petak, Slovene Petek, and Ukrainian П'ятниця all mean "fifth (day)". Similarly, the Portuguese is sexta-feira, the sixth day.

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