
Flaking Chimney. can i seal it or some other way to fix

by Guest3031  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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can i seal it or some other way to fix

 Tags: chimney, flaking



  1. amomipais82
    Hi There,
    If it is a newer furnace/boiler system, it may need a chimney liner. The flue interior may be too large for the appliances that vent into it. This can cause the gases to cool prematurely, condensate and then the moisture absorbed into the bricks. Is this flaking mainly happening toward the top of the chimney? That is typically a good indication of the appliances causing the problem. If you check the input BTU amounts on all appliances venting into the chimney(should be tags on all appliances), the type of appliances (furnace, boiler, etc.), if the appliances are natural draft of fan assisted and the total height, we can figure out what size the flue needs to be. We would then need to know the diameter size of your chimney.


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