
does giving charity actually double your money?

by Guest6726  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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i always hear that giving charity some how increases your wealth well i want to know if its true or not and if anyone has had any experiences with this first hand.....if it works i'm willing to start giving to charitable causes. but i want to see results before i give any money to anyone.

 Tags: actually, charity, DOUBLE, Giving, money?



  1. Guest7629
    i've experience first hand that yes it does increase your wealth. i once had 10 dollars to my name and i gave it away in charity, the very next day i got a check from the government for 6 times the amount. it was a tax return check but still, it happened to fall into my lap the moment i dished my remaining dollars out, had i not i don't know when i would have gotten that somehow always seems to beget getting......if i were you i'd give an let god settle up the score.......

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