
girls virginity

by Guest868  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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i cannot break my wife virginity

 Tags: girls, Virginity



  1. paafamily
    make sure she's as relaxed as possible, reassure her that you'll stop whenever she wants, all she has to do is say the word. most of the pain with losing your virginity is because girls are so tense and scared that their muscles don't relax enough.

    kiss her LOTS beforehand, don't rush it, play with her b*****s, brush your fingertips / tongue over her clitoris, feel the opening to her v****a before you begin to make sure she's really wet, maybe try slipping your finger in and out to help ease her in, and it'll also give you an idea of the angle of her v****a, so you'll know the angle to enter her. and go slow lol!

    in short, the more relaxed she is, and the more turned on she is, the less painful it will be. you sound like a really nice guy, good luck!!

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