
sir do smthing to keep hec working.students need it,education problms need attention too.maryam

by Guest9931  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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sir do smthing to keep hec working.students need it,education problms need attention too.maryam

 Tags: Attention, HEC, iteducation, problms, Sir, smthing, too.maryam, working.students



  1. Guest5314

     For the best future of Pakistan HEC needs to be working till the last second. 

    Things are far out reach for poor people to help out their children to gain higher studies from Pakistan or else where especially. 

    But HEC provides different scholarships to the needy students who are also a shining star of the chosen field.

    If our government has got this much of resources that when our president movies he is having around 100 plus cars with him and like the normal citizens who use CNG as fuel in the cars, MR PRESIDENT likes to have hi octane as fuel and all that expense is berried by the government. 

    Can some one explain to me that why is this happening to Pakistan, When are we going to be free from these thief's who are loitering the innocent people and taking their name is the riches list.

    The wealth will remain in this world and the things we can take to next world is the good things which we are going to act here. 

    Education is a very basic of life and let the people to be educated. 

    Try to remember that the Al-Mighty made each and every one equal. The differences are there just to identify each other. 


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