
what does it mean when a guy cousin pretends to not know your name/number?

by Guest9535  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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ok,so this guy knows my number because i texted him and said it was me..anyways,since he always makes me laugh the last time i texted him,i said text me something to make me laugh because i am bored and he was all like who is this? and i responded my name and then he never replied after that.what does it mean?

 Tags: cousin, guy, mean, namenumber, pretends



  1. Guest9357

    hey im the sam girl who ased the question and i 4gotta say  oh yeah and at the end of his texts when he put who is dis he put dgk what does tht meen?

  2. Guest9483

    DGK means "Dirty Ghetto Kids" and i think he is pretending to show off that he is avoiding you. As it is human nature that when a person likes someone, he/she pretends to avoid the person but in their heart they have always love for him/her.

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