
How to do a Boolean Search?

by Guest2438  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I want to know all possible ways with which I can do Boolean search in different search engines. Does anyone know about all such ways?

 Tags: Boolean, search



  1. Guest2760
    To do a Boolean search, you have two choices: you can use the standard Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT, or NEAR, or you can use their math equivalents. It depends on you, the searcher, on which method you're more comfortable with. For example the Boolean search operator AND is equal to the "+" symbol.  The Boolean search operator NOT is equal to the "-" symbol. The Boolean search operator OR is the default setting of any search engine; meaning, all search engines will return all the words you type in, automatically. The Boolean search operator NEAR is equal to putting a search query in quotes, i.e., "sponge bob squarepants". You're essentially telling the search engine that you want all of these words, in this specific order, or this specific phrase.

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