
Search Engine with the highest bounce rate

by Guest5435  |  13 years ago

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Which Search Engine has the highest bounce rate and why?  We already know has the highest search market but which of the six top search engines has the highest bounce rate? bounce rate means traffic that leaves from the same page it comes to and spends no time on your website.

Please select the Search Engine with the highest bounce rate:
1.  AOL
2. msn  
3. search  
4. yahoo  
5. google
6. netscape

 Tags: Bounce, Engine, Rate, search



  1. Guest8745
    google has the highest bounce rate,u know most of the people i know uses the same,i mean google......most of my friends,but i must say all of my freinds uses in my view google has the highest bounce rate

  2. toshiewoo
    i agree google does have the highest bounce rate. i think google needs to do a much better job in allowing people to find something that is relevant; it might not be good idea for google from business perspective as less people will dig deeper in google to find stuff resulting in less pageviews.  until yahoo and msn get their act together search engine market will not be very competitive
  3. Jessica_Nancy
    The answer of this question is not simple because all the search engine nearly use the same interface. guest12792 and shawn white, i think, they selected Google because its users are more than others. They are in this case wrong. The formula for a bounce rate on a specific page is (the number of user who entered the page and exited without viewing other page of site)/(Total number of visitor entered the page). so i believe searh engines bounce rates are almost same or differs with little margin. For more info check this link.
  4. Guest4979
    For my website, Google searches result in a 51% bounce rate compared to 31% for Yahoo and 29% for MSN. This leads me to believe that the enormous market share owned by Google might have more to do with an effective marketing plan than an effective search algorithm. It seems as though users are more likely to find the information they are looking for if they use a search engine other than Google.
  5. Guest5651
    For my website, Google searches result in a 51% bounce rate compared to 31% for Yahoo and 29% for MSN. This leads me to believe that the enormous market share owned by Google might have more to do with an effective marketing plan than an effective search algorithm. It seems as though users are more likely to find the information they are looking for if they use a search engine other than Google.
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