
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Architecture Department

by Guest10767  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Hello, I need complete details about department of architecture of Virginia Tech, i.e. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. I am architecture student and want to enroll in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University architecture department. Since, I am not living in Virginia and neither can I go there, it’s kind of difficult for me to decide whether I should apply for admission there or not. I want to know few important things like faculty and what will be my chances to get better job after studying architecture from Virginia Tech. Can someone please help me by providing details about the department, study programs, tuition fees and other stuff, so I can compare it with some other available options and decide whether I should get in there or not? It’ll be great if you’ve studied there and want to give me some tips and advices. Thanks in advance!  ~Jason

 Tags: architecture, department, institute, Polytechnic, university, Virginia



  1. Daniel Phil

    Well, Architecture Department of Virginia Tech is quite big with a variety of programs and top faculty members. Yes, it is good option for studies and you get chance to work for big names. Not only this, but if you maintain 3.0 GP, you can apply for scholarships too. They offer about 68 courses under architecture and hence the fees and other details vary. You can find complete details and latest updates about desired courses from

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Daniel Phil


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