
Burning Xbox 360 games on the PC with Nero

by Guest8966  |  12 years, 12 month(s) ago

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I have a question regarding Xbox 360 games. I want to know how to burn games of Xbox 360 with Nero burning.

 Tags: 360, burning, games, Nero, pc, Xbox



  1. Guest6054

    The XBox 360 needs to be modified for this purpose with a mod-chip before the burned games are played or movies and music etc. There is no doubt that it can play any game that is desired and any movie as wished after getting the Xbox 360 mod-chip installed. It is a very mature technical now so it won't have problem if you get your Xbox 360 modified. The user can also download any PAL or NTSC Xbox 360 game as per wish online after Xbox modification. For the downloading and backup and copy games service, there are several sites providing such download services. They happen to have excellent contents, not only complete big Xbox 360 games like Metroid, LOR, American Idols and Guitar Heroes etc, but also many movies, Xbox 360 TV shows, music and videos much more. All what is needed is to join one of those sites to download so many resources, which can be downloaded as you desired. Besides, some sites can provide simple software which provides help in burning the ISO Games into DVDs, quite briskly. After the instructions by them, you can go ahead to play those games you burned onto your Xbox 360. Perhaps a good review site to those download sites might be helpful in a way so as to judge which is one is the best that you can have.

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