
What is a Chupacabra? Chupacabra - The Chupacabra is a Cryptid (a term is used in cryptozoology

by Guest7608  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Chupacabra - The Chupacabra is a Cryptid (a term is used in cryptozoology to refer to a creature whose existence has been suggested but not scientifically confirmed) said to attack and drain the blood of livestock and possibly other animals, reported mainly in South America.

The first reported attacks occurred in March 1995 in Puerto Rico. In this attack, eight sheep were discovered dead, each with three puncture wounds in the chest area and completely drained of blood.

In later cases goats, chickens, turkeys and other animals have been attacked.

 Tags: Chupacabra



  1. Merlyn
    so this is where the mythical 'vampire' was derived from? or is this animal just a cover up for 'real vampires'? interesting..

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