
How to Write a Speech Critique Paper?

by Guest8836  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I want to make my speech effective and powerful. A friend told me that speech critique paper is a very useful thing for that. Can someone tell me the tips to write a speech critique paper?

 Tags: critique, paper, speech, write



  1. Guest8378
    Many classes that focus on or include public speaking require critique papers to help develop your understanding of what makes a speech effective. These steps will help you pen a thoughtful paper critiquing a classmate's or coworker's speech. Gather the notes you took during the speech and any guidelines you have for the length and breadth of the paper. If you have a recording of the speech, you may wish to listen to it a second time. Record your impressions and observations---what you liked, what you didn't like. Note the specific places where you felt confused, where your attention started to wander (i.e. the speaker lost your interest), where the speaker sounded awkward or hesitant and where the speaker did well. Also jot down any turn of phrase that caught your attention. Elaborate on your thoughts, creating a very rough draft of the critique paper. At this stage, don't worry about smooth, polished phrasing or spelling the speaker's name right. Just get your thoughts down. It helps to write a longer rough draft than you need, so that later, after you revise, you won't have to fret about your paper being too short. Such a paper typically begins with an introduction that includes the speaker's full name (check that you spell it right) and the topic of her speech. The body of the paper should cover the things that the speaker did well and the things the speaker could have done better. The conclusion should reiterate the things done well and offer a note of encouragement or expression of confidence that, with practice, the speaker will grow to be a dynamic, invigorating orator.

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