
what is friendship day

by Guest9331  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I saw some friendship day cards at a store last day. I am very curious to know what they mean by friendship day.

 Tags: Day, Friendship



  1. Guest6556

    True friendship is possibly the only relative that endures the tests and tribulations of time and continues unconditional. An exclusive combine of fondness, commitment, love, esteem, believe and burdens of joy is possibly what recounts the factual significance of friendship. Similar concerns, mutual esteem and powerful addition with each other are what associates share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To know-how what is companionship, one should have factual associates, who are really uncommon treasure.

    By environment human beings are Social Animals. The significance of humanity is sensed since ages by man. There are certain relatives like Parents, Relatives which happen in one’s life not by alternative but by destiny. Friendship is one relative that occurs by one’s alternative and will. A Friend /Dost are a famous person who can be in one’s life because of any cause be it individual or expert, but, is an integral part of one’s living.

    As strong sentiments and sentiments are intrinsic to human environment, to have a famous person ease them, and share them is the best feeling on earth. To respect the occurrence of ally in one’s life the US assembly announced a proclamation in 1935, as asserted by which every First Sunday of the month of august is commemorated worldwide as the “friendship day”.

    On Friendship day you might be swapping blossoms, cards and presents with your loved ones. Friendship is the most very vintage and rudimentary pattern of any human bond. This has no age, caste and dialect bar. You can be associates with anybody. The connection is pious and is overhead all the other relations.


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